Updates on how the project is going!

Hello everyone! I hope all has been well. As you know, I have been gone for quite some time since the new releases for Endeavour, and yes there has been some good reasons.

As of right now, I am a college student and I have been working on all kinds of different programming projects to better my skills as a developer. In this time I have learned a lot, and I am hoping to bring all of you a great video game that you can enjoy. With that being said, I have big plans for this project, but as of right now, I really should focus on bettering my skills as a video game developer.

I plan to make an entirely different video game! One that deviates from the current project Endeavour.

You might be wondering, why would I spend my time on a second project when I should be focusing on this current one, and the answer is pretty simple, it is to better my video game development technique. I have a lot of passion for this current product, and I really want it to play great, look good and be a memorable experience, but this is my second video game project I have ever done! 

So, in order to really sharpen my skills and bring new things to the table, I will begin working on a brand-new project soon. 

Back to Endeavour, I do want to talk about what is currently being integrated in the game. village


As of right now, an overworld is being worked on, where the player can explore a large, vast area full of monsters, villages, caves, dungeons, temples, and much more. I plan on having the story mainly take place on the overworld, and break it down into traditional levels, much like what the demo has.  


Yes!, there will be a new health bar, rather than the current health system the demo has. This will also be a gateway to other functions I plan to add in the game.

A DAY AND NIGHT CYCLE?!?!?!? WEATHER?!?!?!??!!??!?!?

Yep, both of these are being added in the game, and they are very cool. I plan on having certain effects happen when these events occur. Like enemies being stronger at night time, or rain making the player slower, just cool stuff like that.

NEW ENEMIES!?!?!?!??!

Ummmmmmmmmmmm obviously! I plan on adding an insane amount of enemies. I WANT VARIETY.


This one's a big one, and yes, bosses have to be an absolute key focal point of this game. For those that did exploring in the demo, you may remember the secret(ish) boss in the snow lands,  and he was very, very fun to make. That is exactly what I want more in the bosses I make, variety, phases, attack moves, sick design, all that jazz. When it comes to the main bosses, expect something very epic.


That's a great question, I anticipate to release the full game without really giving you guys a whole lot of content before hand so I don't end up spoiling the whole experience, but I do want to make sure what I am adding is going to be a good, enjoyable experience for everyone. I anticipate to release a playable version of the overworld, in late summer 2022, or a little later on.  There will be not a lot of story stuff included in this version of the game, so you don't have to worry about spoilers or anything like that.


Endeavour (ver 179 MB
Nov 16, 2021
Endeavour (ver 189 MB
Nov 16, 2021

Get Endeavour Demo

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